Standard terms and conditions
Submit enquiryRetention of clients’ texts, feedback and other standard terms and conditions
Both the translation agency and the customer observe certain rules and cooperation practices. In order to make these clear to everyone involved, hereunder you will find the standard terms and conditions approved by the Association of Estonian Translation Companies, covering some of the issues which most frequently arise.
- Materials provided by the client, working and completed translation files and correspondence are retained for six months unless agreed otherwise.
- We welcome feedback on our work within one month of its completion.
- In the case of orders for interpreting, preparatory materials should be submitted at least two days prior to the service being provided.
- If a client cancels an order for interpreting fewer than three working days prior to the date on which the service is scheduled to be provided, the cost of the service must be paid in full.
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We have 30,000 corporate and government clients and over 5,000 private clients